Thermoresponsive Polymers
Polymers that respond to external stimuli (e.g. pH, light, magnetism, temperature) can introduce new materials research capabilities. Furthermore, the inclusion of different polymer types can enable dual- and multi-responsive behaviors in hybrid polymer networks.
Agbim, K.A. and Schaefer, L.A., 2020. “Investigation of Thermoresponsive Microgel Polymer Swelling Theory.” Polymer Reviews, pp.1-23,
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid flow through microchannels can vary depending on the geometry of the system, material, and fluid choice. For alternative energy research, these channels can come in the form of cooling systems made using additive manufacturing, or injection molding. As the fluid flow pattern impacts the performance of the microchannel structure, it is beneficial to model such complex geometries to optimize the microchannel and influence the design of energy systems.